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How to cancel Amazon Prime ?

Quick solution to cancel Amazon Prime:

  • Go to > Accounts & Lists > Prime Membership
  • Click "Update, Cancel and More" then "End Membership"
  • Follow prompts to confirm cancellation
  • If eligible, you may receive a refund for unused time

Amazon Prime is a premium subscription service offering various benefits like free shipping, streaming content, and exclusive deals. One of the most popular features is Amazon Music Prime, which comes included with your membership. However, there might come a time when you need to cancel your membership. Whether it's due to cost considerations or underutilization of services, canceling your Prime membership is a straightforward process.

Steps to Cancel Amazon Prime

  1. Sign in to your Amazon account
  2. Hover over "Accounts & Lists" in the top navigation
  3. Click on "Prime Membership" under "Your Account"
  4. Select "Update, Cancel and More" on the left side
  5. Click "End Membership"
  6. Follow the confirmation steps

Important Considerations Before Canceling

Before finalizing your cancellation, consider these key points:

  • If you haven't used any Prime benefits, you may be eligible for a full refund
  • Annual subscribers can receive a pro-rated refund for unused months
  • Student Prime members follow the same cancellation process
  • Digital benefits (Prime Video, Music) end immediately upon cancellation
  • Pending Prime orders will still receive Prime shipping benefits

Alternative Options

Instead of canceling completely, consider these alternatives:

  • Pause your membership temporarily
  • Switch to monthly billing instead of annual
  • Share benefits through Amazon Household
  • Try the more affordable Prime Student if eligible

If you're using Amazon primarily for business purposes, you might want to explore selling on Amazon as an alternative way to maximize your platform usage.

After Cancellation

Once you've canceled your Prime membership:

  • Your benefits continue until the end of the current billing period
  • Saved Prime videos become inaccessible
  • You can still access your regular Amazon account
  • You can rejoin Prime at any time

If you're concerned about maintaining privacy after cancellation, you can learn how to hide Amazon orders from your purchase history.

For more detailed information about Amazon Prime memberships and cancellation policies, you can visit the official Amazon Prime help page.